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Maria Montessori

Jean Piaget

Carl Rogers

Marshall Rossenberg

Democratic Schools


BRÚJULA is an Active Pedagogy project in continuous growth and development, where our main driving force is to understand, respect and enhance the comprehensive development of the boy and girl. We are open to different influences related to our philosophy and ways of understanding education, we also share common traits with other pedagogies, thoughts and educational lines.

Our main references are REBECA AND MAURICIO WILD, pedagogues and founders of the “Pesta” school and the “León Dormido” project. We also draw on the ideas and experiences of ideals.



We believe that growth processes occur through the influence of love. It is the force that makes evolution possible. "To love is to respect people's vital processes."


"Respecting the way of interacting with the environment is the best way to provide security"


We allow everyone's needs to manifest and we look for a way to cover them in their entirety.


 "Posibilidad de ser nosotras/os mismas/os y para eso necesitamos estar conectadas/os, por lo que es básico tener la posibilidad de decidir".


"We are autonomous systems capable of creating our own structures and progressively develop motor, cognitive, emotional, social and sensory development."


We believe in the importance of generating responsibility and commitment to oneself, to others, to spaces and materials, adapting to the evolutionary development of each child.

At “BRÚJULA” we see it as essential and fundamental that the family-school relationship is a relationship based on communication, trust and mutual support so that the accompaniment of children is as respectful and fluid as possible.

From the pedagogical team we need collaboration in a process and in a project that we are all part of and a personal work of openness to the new and/or the unknown.

We consider that the passage of the door inwards of “Jandita” is a door of opening to:

• The observation

• Listening

• The discovery

• The learning

• Respect for the rhythms, spaces, environments and climates created

Family-school relationship and coherence


We offer a balance between structured materials, those that have been prepared with a specific learning purpose; and unstructured materials, which stimulate creative thinking. These types of objects do not have a specific function or purpose, it is the girl or boy who gives it to them if they want it. They adapt to the evolutionary stage of the child: as they do not have a specific purpose, they will adapt to the development and interests of each child. It also offers great possibilities for the child to investigate on his/her own, based on his/her own natural interest and curiosity.

Balance between structured and unstructured materials


Presence is the awareness of ourselves, of our emotions, of our body, of our thoughts. By focusing on ourselves, I can perceive the others from there.

This awareness of ourselves allows us to be emotionally available to the other, child or adult; It allows us to develop listening in the broadest sense.

Consciousness and presence



By this we understand a carefully organized space for girls and boys to move freely in an autonomous and self-directed manner, an environment appropriate to the developmental needs of boys and girls that covers social, emotional and intellectual aspects and where their Learning comes from the inside out.

Along with the prepared physical environment, they are also offered a prepared accompaniment environment so that they feel loved and respected, an environment where children are looked at lovingly, are cared for, welcomed and, above all, where there is a sufficiently prepared framework so that each person, to the extent of their possibilities, can choose what they want to do, where, what and with whom they want to relate and, above all, they can express their emotions and needs at all times.

Prepared and safe environments


We accompany to promote communication that helps us connect with ourselves and with others in a harmonious and sincere way; to observe the actions that are affecting us, to connect with the feelings produced by said actions; to discover the needs behind those feelings and present our demands in a positive way.

At the same time, also encourage listening that allows us to put ourselves in the other person's shoes and understand their motives; listen to feelings and understand the different levels from which they are expressed, both what is said with words and what is not, but which is equally present; detect the emotions found in the other person's speech, deepening the understanding of the other person and accepting different points of view with respect; listen with empathy, avoiding value judgments and evaluations that may arise.

Communication and active listening


Respect the times of the boys and girls, their growth processes, their natural evolution, the stage of development they are in, their interests at all times.

Time or rhythm is that moment taken to acquire new knowledge, to perform a task, to interact with the world, to perceive reality, to reaffirm learning already acquired...

Generally, a child's concept of time is totally different from that of the adult world. When a child performs an action, all of their senses, attention, concentration, emotions, are focused on that moment, a connection is established with their child. inner self; It is an enjoyment of the "here and now", an awareness of the moment they are living that, sometimes, immersed in our "hurried adult world", we find it difficult to understand and respect. If we approach the vital attitudes of children, it is likely that over time we will take into account many things that had become so habitual to us that we no longer even perceived them and that we will be able to feel as something new. This change of vision will also help to develop a more relaxed environment and relationships so that the development of the children, depending on the environment we offer, can unfold their full potential.

Respect for times and rhythms



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